Friday, September 11, 2009

8 years

Take one moment:

8 years ago, I was living in student housing as a freshman in university. With barely 3 weeks into studies, roughly 300 other students and myself were still finding our way to call the dormitories "home". Until the morning of September 11th. It was not even 9 a.m. in the morning that we were forced to decide who our friends were, and fast. We were away from our families. We were away from the friends we had left. What we needed, was a hand to hold, and a shoulder to cry on, as we watched in horror what was happening just a few state-lines away.

It is hard for me to fathom how eight years have passed. But I find my peace in knowing, that it was that day, that I bonded with those who remain my friends today - 8 years later.

Now, 8 years later, "practice runs" are being done on how to introduce that day in history to the history books. There are students in school today that were not even born yet when it happened. So young, that it seems a picture book might help:

Forgive. Never forget.


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